Daoyin: the instinctive body-led pleasure-map of self-healing.
A total reframing of extraordinarily simple, yet key ancient Chinese health principle that can change your entire attitude to health, exercise and healing though instinctive body movement response.
(Above is the trailer to my video from 2023, to go along with my book (see below)).
For Daoyin self-massage tools Click HERE
Daoyin: the instinctive body-led pleasure-map of self-healing.
"What the body likes, sets you free."
This book and related video is total reframing of extraordinarily simple, yet key ancient Chinese health principle that can change your entire attitude to health, exercise and healing though instinctive body movement response.
Health is an instinct. It isn’t something that can be learned but is often something that has to be unravelled, re-remembered and/or re-discovered, revealing the very base of our body’s natural self-righting mechanism. This book describes how the body has a natural response towards pleasurable sensation and it describes how this is the foundational “engine” for change and healing. This key and profoundly obvious understanding is hidden in plain sight and has very rarely been given the focus it should have. Through the connection to Chinese medicine and principally the mysterious and extremely ancient principle of “Daoyin”, the author points out the hidden element that can potentially totally revolutionise the way we look at health, healing, exercise and the body. This dispels thousands of years of distorted ideology about our engagement with the body in which the ego has hijacked the natural animal of the human body to focus on goals and ideals that are simply forms of dis-ease. Dispelling the myth of “no pain, no gain”, Health Instinct is about letting go of these ideals and goals associated with the body and instead responding to the “voice” of the body to follow the direction of pleasurable sensation. The author connects all the current vital keys of this message worldwide and re-instates the self-healing-focused, rather than practitioner-focused, approach to trusting the body’s instincts again.
Available in Paperback and Kindle-eBook:
I wrote this book over a decade ago during my study of medicine:
No matter what your involvement in the medicine/ healing professions, the issues we face are the same. Though we treat the same patients and deal with their same issues we cannot see ourselves in context of all of medical/ healing practice and so we desensitise from common senses. We box ourselves into a particular mode of treatment, becoming separated from each other, and often are drawn into a particular brand of healing, branding ourselves with this identity.
Medical Oneness is a very simple book which clarifies the true meaning of healing, unifying it in a language that is, in essence, universal to all ancient and modern traditions. By having a common language and rooting our approach in a base-generality or "Oneness", we can see how our own specialities or personal expressions of healing/ medicine fit into wholeness. As such, we can regard colleagues as fingers of the same hand and build sustainable ecosystems of healing. As old ways of understanding science die and we enter a new era, Medical Oneness offers direction to Unity from a fragmented understanding of health, for those who are interested now and for those in the future whose circumstances may make seeing this a necessity.
Available in Paperback and eBook:
The Tao Te Ching (道德經) is the key-stone of Taoist understanding. It is a description of nature that is the foundation to medicine and so foundation to life. The message of the Tao Te Ching is simply a deep sensing of Nature and the differentiation of this in contrast to the human condition of sufferance and separation, which although too is part of the same Oneness, believes it is not. Humanity is in great struggle and suffering based on the belief in "me" as the fundamental layer of causality with the notion of a personal "free will" and "choice", the Tao Te Ching simply exposes the myth of this and offers possible interest in something "mysterious" that can't be defined but is that is in itself all of life. There is nothing given to "do" or task to perform, no list of things " to "get somewhere" the Tao Te Ching is really an offering of sense into the nature of things. It is a quality of being totally in-awe when nature is truly seen , allowing instinctive life to be heard again and so the sounds and colours of the world coming back into focus after a long dark mist of madness.
This interpretation draws out the essence of Non-duality (Tao) which the text was originally about. Often this is lost within Confucian/dualistic interpretations of the text, thereby losing sight of the message coming from the heart of Nature: fundamental absence of legalistic, hierarchical, religious and moralistic ideology. This interpretation endeavours to serve as a remembrance of our infant days of the instinct of the Naturalness/ Oneness that is all of life. Unlike the dualism of modern scientific theory or dogmatic religious fervour, non-judgmental clarity emanates from the realisation of Oneness, where object and subject can no longer be divided. Herein lies the possibility and openness in which the constant seeking ends.
Available in Paperback and eBook:
I wrote these books about 10 years ago during my study of medicine:
This book (in two parts) was originally a project for myself as a student trying to decipher the world of numerous styles of Chinese medicine and longing for an instinctive connection of clarity with something that was expressed in the Tao Te Ching. I had no idea why the simplicity and Oneness expressed in the Tao was almost completely undermined by a very Confucian dualistic outlook that I found in the styles I sifted through. Everyone seemed to want a “piece of the action”, and this I found to be true of all of medicine in general. There didn't seem to be an interest in a unified language or way of understanding energetics that meant that no matter who you were or what your natural expression it was understood to be part of a whole. It seemed all about individual teachers and their egos, which it continues to be.
The result of over 10 years of research is in these 2 volumes which I offer simply as one persons investigations and discoveries concerning the process of tracing and clarifying the nature of Classical Chinese medicine to its roots. This process drew me to Japan and a connection to the very few practitioners left who are looking at a unified understanding of medicine that one could say is truly indigenous and therefore resonates with all indigenous medicine worldwide, something that is a distinct rarity.
This book is a sifted through and rendered down thesis and is very long but has much information which at the very least points towards people who are looking at unified understanding in energetics and at most offers a model which clarifies many anomalies in the current study and education of Classical Chinese medicine of whatever style. I am only as experienced as my experience and I don't offer anything beyond this, but I do ask questions that are difficult to answer and I investigate these questions to the ends of what was possible for me at the time.
While I am sure this book doesn't offer the whole picture of Classical Chinese medicine it attempts to provide a way of differentiation of what is useful and what isn’t along the student’s own investigations and suggest a way of broadening our horizons from the terminal illness of teacher-student relationship and male hierarchical control of common-sense, and the snobbery of scholarly prowess involved in “interpreting” medical literature. It is a movement towards being open and innocent about questioning and following an instinctive track when considering the nature of investigation of the Classical literature directly or in translation.
Available in Paperback and eBook, please search both books here:
These are block download archives of articles I wrote between 2011-14 (295 in all). Topics covered are a mix about Non-duality, Human energetics, Energetics of Relating, Energetics of "civilisation". At the beginning of each download is a contents page in case you get lost!
Recently David has started discussions/ talks expressing non-duality, please follow this link for the website:
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